June 12, 2023 •
GUIDE, Uncategorized •
Views: 3348
The Murray Cod closed season is a vital conservation measure implemented to protect the population of this iconic Australian fish species. Read on, and we will talk about the significance of the closed season, its impact on Murray Cod populations, and why it is crucial for sustainable fishing
May 18, 2019 •
Views: 11158
With the popularity of Cod fishing on the rise, we need to all be aware of the correct rules and regulations around these iconic Australian species. Closed season dates for Murray Cod in Victoria, ACT and NSW for 2019. Having a closed seasons is allows the fish to reproduce in peace and quiet
January 11, 2019 •
Views: 11347
One of our favorite styles of lures to use when chasing estuary and river species like Bream, Estuary Perch and Bass is a Cicada style topwater lure. Summer and the warmer months gives us that unmistakable sound of the Australian bush where the cicadas are calling. At times it can be
May 10, 2018 •
Views: 10964
As I’m sure most people can attest to modifying or accessorizing our possessions to improve their look and or function can be just as enjoyable as using the item itself. Whether its our cars, boats or in this article kayaks, there is a myriad of accessories available to enhance our time on
May 10, 2018 •
Views: 12598
Just to keep everyone up to date, below are the Closed season dates for Murray Cod in Victoria, ACT and NSW for 2018. Biggest change for this year for Victoria, is having Lake Eildon open all year round for Cod. Having a closed seasons is allows the fish to reproduce in peace and quiet without
May 10, 2018 •
Views: 29164
Well its been quite a while since we wrote our article on our top 10 bream hardbody lures, so we thought it was time for a update. Now, all the lures from the original top 10 are still available, and still catch fish, but its funny how trends and personal preference can change over the …
May 11, 2017 •
Views: 14234
Just to keep everyone up to date, below are the Closed season dates for Murray Cod in Victoria, ACT and NSW for 2017. Having a closed seasons is allows the fish to reproduce in peace and quiet without us anglers harassing them, which in turn it provides us with a more sustainable and robust fishery
April 7, 2017 •
Views: 4535
Australian natives can be such frustrating species to target with Lures in particular Murray Cod. I’m not going to lie, fishing for these guys can really test your patience and skills. You can increase your chance of catching a Cod by following our top 5 Cod fishing tips below. 1. Fish
December 5, 2016 •
Views: 4713
Coming into the warmer months and topwater luring is on many a fishermans mind. By far one of the most exciting and visual ways of lure fishing its no wonder so many people are turning to this style of fishing. There is such a large range of species, fresh and salt, that are willing to …
May 5, 2016 •
Views: 6169
If bream are one of the species you like to target whilst fishing, then I have no doubt that at some stage or another you have managed to catch or at least have seen Bream hanging around or feeding off man made structure of some sort. Man made structure will provide some of the best …
April 20, 2016 •
Views: 47773
We are well underway for the 2016 Season of the Hobie Daiwa Bream Kayak Series. The opening event at Bemm River in East Gippsland saw a record field of 105 Anglers battle it out over 2 days. As always Hobie ran a seamless event, but with the sheer number of competitor even with split
March 10, 2016 •
Views: 3844
This summer I have enjoyed teaching my 4 year old son to fish, he started to show interest watching me rig rods and clean my boat at home, and I was keen to start him lure fishing straight away. I found him a great little graphite kids rod which is 5ft long and light, and …
December 3, 2015 •
Views: 6380
“Finesse” is a bit of a buzz word around the fishing traps at the moment, but in essence just means making some changes to your tackle and technique which will be a bit more subtle and hopefully help your catch rates for some of those more finicky species. So here is our 3 best tips …
November 18, 2015 •
Views: 4177
Kayak fishing as a sport has really taken off in the last few years, with all the major brands now having dedicated models especially for fishing. Not to mention the huge number of kayak fishing competitions currently happening all over the country. But you shouldn’t feel left out. It
August 1, 2015 •
Views: 7893
Below we have listed the 2015 closed season dates for Murray Cod across Australia Having a closed seasons is allows the fish to reproduce in peace and quiet without us anglers harassing them, which in turn it provides us with a more sustainable and robust fishery for years to come. VIC – 1st
April 8, 2015 •
Views: 9219
One of the best and most effective ways to target bream with lures is on the flats. By flats I mean any piece of water that’s bottom is generally flat or very slight gradient, but is generally 1m deep or less and covers a fair area. Flats can potentially go completely dry on low tides …
March 27, 2015 •
Views: 18762
One thing I found out when looking for a new pair of fishing sunglasses was that I didn’t know much about lens colour and how it can best be tailored to the type of fishing I do. So here is a summary of what I found and how it can help you if you are …
January 29, 2015 •
Views: 18810
Remember that in Victoria, NSW and TAS we have closed season for all trout species every year. Put these dates in your diary so you don’t forget. The closed fishing season for trout (and other salmonids) for 2015 : VICTORIA – from midnight on Monday 8th June, to midnight on Friday 4th
January 21, 2015 •
Views: 8893
To scent or not to scent, that is the question! Most anglers seem to have an opinion on the effectiveness of using scent on fishing lures. Some people think scent is a gimmick, that it’s more inclined to catch the fisherman in the store as opposed to fish out on the water. While other people
November 6, 2014 •
Views: 4957
Whether your chasing them for the table or the bait box, calamari are favorite target species for anglers. Get to know your catch a little better with this months Species Insight.
October 13, 2014 •
Views: 7303
I think everyone has experienced a bit of annoying time wasting at boat ramps before, and we all wished that there was a pamphlet given out to new boat owners on what to do and not to do when launching and retrieving your boat. Boat ramps can be a highly stressful situation for some, especially
August 20, 2014 •
Views: 7534
Part 2 of our Lure Fishing Basics article will cover lures, retrieves and locations. We are not going to go into huge amounts of details in this article, but hopefully just enough to give you some pointers and help direct you in the right direction to catch your first fish on lures or improve your
July 29, 2014 •
Views: 33406
I’ve always been interested in Trout behavior and why two trips to the same location can sometimes give such different results. So after recently fishing in one of Victoria’s western lakes which had a very cold water temp of around 8 degrees, I wanted to try and learn a bit more about how trout
July 21, 2014 •
Views: 7082
GEAR If you are just getting into lure fishing, here are some basics that will help point you in the right direction of landing your first fish with lures. We are going to break this article up into 2 parts, with the first section being on lure fising gear. Rods graphite rods are a must, …
July 1, 2014 •
Views: 143927
These days there are thousands of different lures on the market to target bream. Lure fishing for bream has taken off in a big way over the past 10 years, and where we as anglers used to only have a handful of brands from overseas companies that could be adapted to suit this finicky species,
May 22, 2014 •
Views: 11706
Ok guys, there are literally hundreds of different fishing knots out there, most of which work just as well as each other. The trick with fishing knots is to get comfortable and competent with handful of them, so when you get out on the water, your can quickly tie it without thinking, whether it be
May 13, 2014 •
Views: 3710
Recently we have once again been invigorated with our trout stream fishing and have been bitten by the exploring bug. There is definitely something special and exciting about heading to a new trout water, that anticipation on the drive in, the hike through dense bushland and that moment when your
March 31, 2014 •
Views: 9788
Gday guys, don’t forget trout closed season is fast approaching. Put these dates in your diary so you don’t forget. The closed fishing season for trout (and other salmonids) for 2014 is from midnight on Monday 9th June, to midnight on Friday 5th September 2014. The closed trout fishing
October 10, 2013 •
Views: 3096
With reports of large schools of snapper having entered both Port Phillip and Westernport bays, and ready to fire any day now, there is one species of fish which is on the mind of many this time of year. Here is some Snapper fishing information in a neat little infograph. We present the second
September 14, 2013 •
Views: 4995
For many spring not only brings longer and warmer days but also the opportunity to target species that have been “shutdown” for the winter months. With this in mind we take a look an iconic freshwater species in the first of our Species Insights – The Golden Perch.