
PICTORIAL: Wilderness Bass Kayak Fishing

March 5, 2018 • NEWS • Views: 4303

A kayak trip into some remote bass water had been in the planning for quite a while, and with the end of summer looming, it was now or never. Carrying everything we needed to survive and to paddle off into the wilderness chasing one of Australia’s hardest fighting freshwater fish was an

IDA FIRST LOOK: Daiwa Gekkabijin Air 2003

May 7, 2017 • NEWS, REVIEWS • Views: 7261

Daiwa’s latest finesse reel is here! and I couldn’t resist! The Gekkabijin Air 2003 boasts some of Daiwa’s best and newest technology in this ultralight little spinning reel, and at only 175g I can see this becoming my favourite little lightweight reel very quickly! My first

Hazelwood’s Barramundi Fishery

July 7, 2016 • NEWS • Views: 8836

I had a good chat with Fisheries Victoria’s Freshwater Fisheries Manager today Anthony Forster, trying to get some answers to those burning questions all us recreational fishermen had after we heard the latest news on the Hazelwood Barramundi stocking project. What most people don’t know (I

Blue Rock Dam Bass Fishing

Blue Rock Dam – New Boating Regulations

August 26, 2015 • NEWS • Views: 71668

All anglers are now welcome to Blue Rock Dam in Victoria’s Central Gippsland region after the dam received a much needed change in boating regulations today. The previous restrictions of boats no greater than 4.3m and 10ph meant the lake could only be fished by those with a small tinny, kayak

Rise Fly Fishing Film Festival 2015

August 16, 2015 • NEWS • Views: 2628

The Rise Fly Fishing Film Festival returns for its 10th year with screenings at 28 locations across Australia and New Zealand. For those new to the event, The Rise Film Festival gathers some of the latest and greatest fly fishing feature films from around the globe for a night of action and