GUIDE: IDA Guide to exploring Trout streams and rivers

Recently we have once again been invigorated with our trout stream fishing and have been bitten by the exploring bug.

There is definitely something special and exciting about heading to a new trout water, that anticipation on the drive in, the hike through dense bushland and that moment when your research and hard work pays off as you step into a crystal clear stream miles from anywhere, anyone, and you’re in your own little paradise.

Anyone can experience this great feeling, and with a little bit of research, some time in the car and some good old walking its within reach to almost anyone.

Trout stream

Exploring new water can also have its ups and downs, some streams off the beaten track will be no good for fishing, this could be for a number of reasons such as it being overgrown with bank side vegetation, have little or no flow, be too warm, the list goes on and all the hours spent getting there can be for nothing.

On a recent trip exploring a new stream we hiked for 1.5 hours only to find the stream we planned on fishing was far too steep and un-wadeable, another 1.5 hrs got us back to the car without even wetting a line.

On the other hand when it does pay off the fishing can be amazing and extremely memorable.

Here is some tips to get you started with your own trout stream adventures.


Do plenty of it, use tools like Google earth, Google images and rooftop maps to find likely locations and access points. Word of mouth can also be a good tool, ask around and listen to what people have to say, this can point you in the right direction.


Have the right gear for the job. Waders and wading boots are essential. Long hours walking and wading in the rivers means you need to be comfortable and warm, otherwise the experience can be very un-enjoyable. Also a comfortable backpack for all your gear can make a world of difference. Pack as little as possible to get you by, as a weighty bulky pack will not only become tiresome to carry, it will also impede on your maneuverability around things like fallen trees.


Some of these remote locations we get into are literally in the middle of nowhere and not easily accessible. If anything were to happen to one of us we need to be prepared for the worst. Make sure you carry a first aid kit, Fire lighters, EPIRB, GPS and headlamp. I have had quite a few close calls with snakes out and about on the rivers, so it pays to be prepared. Also if in the Alpine areas keep an eye on the weather, it can close in rapidly at certain times of year and temperatures drop quickly! No matter what the conditions when you start fishing, its always worth packing a jacket.


Not all streams will be great fishing, but you will get a good look at the countryside and see some other amazing things on your travels. Take it all in and enjoy the journey, as it is definitely part of the adventure experience.

The more you get out there and check these locations you have researched, the more you will work out what type of locations on the map will have trout, and who knows you may even find the Holy grail of trout streams, I know that is what i am still looking for!






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Published on: May 13, 2014

Filled Under: GUIDE

Views: 3713

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