Our Top 5 Lure Fishing Knots

Ok guys, there are literally hundreds of different fishing knots out there, most of which work just as well as each other. The trick with fishing knots is to get comfortable and competent with handful of them, so when you get out on the water, your can quickly tie it without thinking, whether it be windy, cold or even in low light situations.

Here is a list of the top 5 fishing knots we use and recommend.

FG Knot

This is by far the strongest and slimmest knot to tie for main line to leader. We use this now as our main joining knot for all our fishing needs. From 4lb fluoro leader right up to 60lb. The Method described by Jason Elrich below makes the knot really easy to tie too. A slim knot is a must for lure casting, especially with heavy leader, that knot will go through your rod guides hundreds of times in a session.

Double Uni Knot

The double uni knot is one of the simplest and quickest methods of joining two pieces of line together. This is our favourite knot for joining braided line to flurocarbon leaders. We predominantly use thin lines and leaders for our fishing (3-12lb), so we find the Double Uni a great easy knot to learn and tie and perfect for joining those lines.

Improved Half Blood knot

This is the knot we use the most. Suited to lighter leader and line, we use this to tie our lures, hooks, swivels etc to our leader. Its a simple, easy to learn and remember knot, one which all fishermen should know and learn. It is also known as a Improved clinch knot.

Loop Knot

The loop knot as the name suggests connects your line to lure via loop, this gives the lure the ability to move from side to side more freely, thus more action. I also use this knot on my Wet flies while fly fishing, again to help give them some more movement.

Slim Beauty knot

Another great knot for joining leader to main line. We tend to use this knot when we are using heavier leader, 8lb plus. It makes a really nice slim knot which comes out through your guides easier than the double uni. I find this really important with our light little bream rods with the micro guides.

Keep these knots in mind when next out fishing, and make sure you practice your knots so that you can tie them with your eyes shut! It may make the difference to that one big fish opportunity you get.


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Published on: May 22, 2014


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