Knowledge is king – Learning fishing the fast way

So traditionally the way you would learn and evolve your fishing was mainly through trial and error. knowledge of species, techniques and locations were hard to come by. Magazine articles, and word of mouth were the main conduits for knowledge and ideas.

Fast forward 15-20 years and we are in the age of information overload. SO much information is now available at our fingertips and as fast we want it. Social media is full of pictures and videos which essentially give us a road map of the seasons, locations and techniques that are current and potentially help us improve our catch rates/ angling abilities etc.

I think quality information is definitely harder to come by though, with a lot of secrecy still behind the way people go about their angling, especially in the tournament scene, or by really successful anglers. Facebook and instagram may give us a few insights into locations and even lure options, but rarely does it enlighten you to the successful technique and other small intricacies which may have had a huge impact and give an edge into your future trips.

Anyway, enough babbling on about social media and poor information. I really wanted to share with you my thoughts on quality information that will essentially save years and years of on the water learning. I honestly wish that this high quality information was around when i was learning. I would have gladly paid a small amount of money to access seriously important information and learnings for all manor of  fishing techniques, from fly fishing, lure fishing rivers for trout and cod, natives in dams, etc etc.

Information like this is a lifetime investment, The quickest way to learn and improve.

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Published on: January 5, 2020

Filled Under: IDEAS

Views: 2190


One Response to Knowledge is king – Learning fishing the fast way

  1.' dd says:

    I loev fushing

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