PICTORIAL: A Whole New World – Winter Cod Fishing

With the Melbourne forecast for the June long weekend looking less than desirable, Joel Bramble and myself hit the highway to explore a river I have wanted to check out for a long time.

In a short but adventure filled few days we traveled 1600kms by car, 25kms on foot and spent countless hours fishing and exploring some at some incredible looking water vastly different to what we’re used to fishing.

After 2 and a half full days of fishing across 6 locations with not the slightest indication of a fish, we stopped at one last location on the way home and Joel managed a small Murray Cod first cast, followed by a Trout Cod shortly after. Although not the big ones we were after at this stage of the trip it was a welcome sight and a great end to the adventure.

Although the action was slow, the scenery in this part of the world is  just awesome and is one location where I would say  the words “catching a fish is just a bonus” ring true. Sometimes just getting out and exploring new places can be just as enjoyable as landing the big one.

Here is a few photos from the trip.

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Published on: June 10, 2015

Filled Under: REPORTS

Views: 3455

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One Response to PICTORIAL: A Whole New World – Winter Cod Fishing

  1.' Vaughan says:

    Great photos guys , you blokes are making fishing a cool thing to do again

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