REPORT: Rubicon Brook Trout Tales

Back in 2012, there was a fish escape from the Yarra Valley Caviar facility located on the banks of the Rubicon River. Rumors have it that a wombat dug a hole through the side of one of the ponds which resulted in the escape of several thousand Brook Trout and Atlantic Salmon which found their way into the neighboring river.

Two years on and at nearly the same time of year, another group of fish (again both Brook Trout and Atlantic Salmon) found their way into the river, which begs to ask whether these “escapes” are accidental or deliberate. Although there is Anecdotal evidence to support both we will probably never really know the true reason why these fish ended up in the river.

Although commonly called a Trout, the Brook Trout is actually a member of the Char Family. It is native to Eastern North America in the United States and Canada. Brook trout are only found in a few select waters in Australia none of which are located in Victoria.

There is much debate on social media as to whether they are a good thing for the river or not. Some anglers hoping that they form a self sustaining population while others fear they will have a detrimental effect on resident brown and rainbow trout through increased competition.

Regardless of all this however, the escape gives Victorian anglers a great chance at catching one of these fish to tick off their bucket list.

A reminder that it is now closed season for trout fishing in Victorian Rivers (Monday 9th June, to midnight on Friday 5th September 2014.)

For those that wish to take a feed, Brook trout are subject to specific regulations that place a bag limit and possession limit of five fish per day, with no minimum or maximum size as opposed to other listed trout species.

Here’s a few photos from a trip Rodi and myself took several weeks ago when news of the escape first surfaced. These are just a few of the 60+ fish that we caught for the day.

Rubicon River Brook Trout (5)


Rubicon River Brook Trout (8)

Rubicon River Brook Trout (1)

Rubicon River Brook Trout (2)

Rubicon River Brook Trout (6)

Rubicon River Brook Trout (3)

Rubicon River Brook Trout (9)

Rubicon River Brook Trout (10)

Rubicon River Brook Trout (11)

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Published on: June 11, 2014

Filled Under: REPORTS

Views: 14694

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3 Responses to REPORT: Rubicon Brook Trout Tales

  1.' Ben Thomas says:

    Hello, Josh,
    I regularly fish the Steavenson River in Marysville, Victoria. its a great little trout stream, but i was fishing one of my favourite little holes about 3 weeks ago, it has produced numerous trout from it over the trips. But this day i caught a small rainbow from the first cast i put him back, but on the next cast i hooked a whopper! the gritty fight lasted a short 3 minutes and by the time i netted the beast i realised i had caught a big, fat brook trout! I put him back and have caught him again since. it was one of my most memorable catches ever! But i was wondering how the trout got all the way from Rubicon to here!? And has anyone else had this same capture, or was i just day dreaming!


    • Josh Cheong says:

      Hey Ben. Great capture and thanks for the message. I have heard of a few other brook trout caught in the same area a while ago, I believe these ones must have been escapees from the Buxton Trout Farm. We have also encountered escapee rainbows in the same river, which are easily distinguished from the resident fish by the worn out tails and generally much larger size. Always a pleasant surprise.

      •' Ben Thomas says:

        Hey josh,
        Thanks so much for writing back and answering my query! I have also caught some bigger rainbows in this river before and wondered why they were so big! I will take this into account next time I go fishing!
        Love this site and love how it’s more based on sweetwater fish! Keep blogging and happy fishing, thanks

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