Spring is here! Time to go fishing again

Its that time of the year when the water starts to warm up, the weather gets nicer and the fish that are either not around in winter, have a closed season or are harder to catch over winter come back on the bite. We had a bit of a lull over winter fishing for some of our favourite species.

The going was tough, disappointing at times and making us wish the warmer weather would hurry up. We really struggled with our metro bream, snapper and some of our freshwater natives over the winter months.

Corio bay snapper on lure
Well the good news is spring is here! Water temperatures are coming up and fish are coming back on the chew. There are some good snapper reports coming in from all over the bay and WP, Streams are open to trout anglers, although with the recent rain the trout fishing can be very tough as we found out a few weekends ago when we visited one of our favourite high country streams only to find it running too hard, high and cold for us to catch any great numbers of fish.

Melbourne Metro bream

Metro bream are also coming back on the bite, which will see a lot more anglers out hitting up the Yarra and Maribyrnong systems targeting these great sport fish. These are definitely my favourite fish to target over the warmer months.

Lake Eildon Yellowbelly
Spring to the freshwater angler means trout fishing in the rivers but also yellowbelly in the rivers and dams starting to be worthwhile targeting. There has been quite a few early spring golden perch captures at Eildon over the last few weeks which is a good sign of things to come.
Now is the time to dust off the gear and get back into it for all of you fishermen who have gone a bit dormant over the winter period! Tight lines!


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Published on: October 22, 2013

Filled Under: REPORTS

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