REVIEW: Daiwa Tournament 8 braid Evo

I’ve been lucky enough to been trialing some Daiwa’s newly released Tournament 8 Braid Evo for the last 6 months and running it through its paces on all my favourite light tackle species.

Targeted at the mid range line market, Tournament 8 Evo is a step above their popular and excellent J-braid, managing to keep the toughness but with a thinner diameter. As with all higher specced gear though the price difference is noticeable.

As per all Daiwa products the Evo 8 braid comes packaged nicely with all the relevant information stated clearly on the packaging, including all its features. Available in chatreuse and multicolour, and plenty of different strengths to chose from Daiwa gives you all the flexibilty you need to chose the right line for your specific fishing application.

Daiwa Tournament Evo 8 Specifications
Type 8 Strand braided line
Material PE
Colours Chartreuse and Multicolour
Diameter 0.08 to 0.45mm
lengths 150, 300, 1000m spools
Strengths 6-80lb
MSRP $70
Country of Manufacture Japan


•    8 ply weave
•    High Visibility Chartreuse PE
•    Round profile
•    Extra high abrasion resistance
•    Super smooth surface coating
•    Super soft and flexible

Daiwa Evo 8 braid


Traditionally for my light tackle fishing I have always tried to use 3, 4 or 6 lb braids to help increase my casting distance. The 10lb Evo 8 I have been using has well and truly met my demands for casting distance. Being able to cast my preferred small hardbody lures and lightly weighted soft plastics as far as I have needed, and on par with lighter braids I have preferred in the past.

Being able to use the greater strength braid but not sacrifice casting distance has given me confidence to target those bigger or more aggressive fish with the same set-up that I would normally finesse fish with, thus giving me a more flexible rod/reel combo.
I have the 10lb evo8 on a 2004 freams and have used it to successfully target bream, bass, estuary perch around heavy structure, and trout. But wouldn’t hesitate at all to grab that reel/line combo if I was heading out to chase bigger pinkies, salmon or flathead etc.
I find the Chartreuse coloured line is easy to see in the water, and allows me to watch my line for bites. The Evo 8 seems to ties knots well, with no excessive slippage which can occur with some super smooth lines, and wind knots have been at a minimum.

Daiwa Evo 8 braid


I have definitely been happy with the line to date, and actually reach for that reel now over the j-braid as I know I can cast slightly longer with it and have that bit more line strength as a bonus. So if you are in the market for some new mid range line, put the Tournament 8 Braid on your list.

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Published on: May 3, 2016

Filled Under: REVIEWS

Views: 8557

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