REVIEW: Strike Pro Bob N Spoon

A modern take on a classic design. Strike Pro takes aim at re-inventing the wheel with the Bob N Spoon.

Strike Pro Bob n Spoon

Incorporating realistic head detailing, scale patterns and 3D eyes with an injection molded body, internal weight and and rattle chamber. The humble spoon takes a giant leap forward into the 21st century. Lets take a closer look

Strike Pro Bob ‘N’ Spoon Specifications
  Type   Spoon
  Buoyancy   Sinking
  Depth   Variable
  Size/Weight   55mm / 7.3g
  Colour/Patterns   12
  Included Hardware   Owner ST-36 Size 8
  MSRP   $12.95 AUD


As stated earlier the Bob N Spoon takes a new spin on the classic spoon design. While traditional spoons are usually constructed from pressed metal, the Bob N Spoon features an injection molded plastic body. Casting mass comes from a fixed internal weight located in the center of the body. This gives the lure a few very unique characteristics which help with not only usability but also its ability to attract fish.

Strike Pro Bob n Spoon
A closer look at the top profile of the lure


The Bob N Spoon is most suited for targeting freshwater game fish, in particular Trout and Redfin, however this lure would also be effective on smaller saltwater species too, namely salmon & tailor. Thanks to its versatile design, the Bob N Spoon can be cast, trolled and also fished vertically or “Bobbed” hence the name.

Strike Pro Bob n Spoon

Its long cast ability coupled with its ease and speed of retrieve the Bob N Spoon excels as a search bait, allowing you to cover a larger area of water relatively quickly.


Thanks to its internal fixed weight and streamline design the Bob N Spoon is one of the longest casting lures I have come across for its size. Casting is effortless and flightpath is consistent, even into the a headwind. There’s minimal splash/sound upon entry which can also be attributed to its slim profile. As it weighs 7.3g it can be cast on a wide range of rod and reel combos unlike some heavier lures like the Tassie Devil which over-power many light rods.


The Bob N Spoon can be retrieved using a number of different techniques however I have had most success/interest using a constant medium paced retrieve. Using this technique the lure emits quite a lot of action through an erratic side to side sway, as well as throwing off flash and vibration thanks to the chrome plating and rattles respectively. Stopping or pausing the retrieve will see the lure sink horizontally with a slight flutter on a slack line.

As the lure sinks horizontally, water pressure pushes against the entire surface area of the bait, resulting in its fall rate which is actually quite slow. This trait can be seen as beneficial in casting applications, as it gives you plenty of time to commence your retrieve without the lure falling to the bottom and getting caught up. However in jigging or “bobbing” situtations, particularity deep water,  wait time between each drop could become frustrating, especially for those used to heavy baits designed to get down quickly.

The lure sits quite high in the water column once retrieve has been commenced, which makes it ideal for running across the top of weedbeds, or through shallow water.

If using this lure with a high speed retrieve, the use of a small rolling swivel would be beneficial to alleviate line twists.


Construction wise the bait feels well built. Details are quite intricate and craftsmanship is clean.

Strike Pro Bob n Spoon

Close up of the head detailing

The tow point and hook mounting point wire is separate and molded in. As this lure has a single hook, leverage shouldn’t become an issue for its intended use.

Strike Pro Bob n Spoon

Close up of the tow point. 

Its evident the colour range has been very much tailored for use in freshwater. The range offers a good choice of colours from bright ‘attractor’ styled colours as well as natural prey imitations such as small redfin and trout. Sticking to the topic of paintwork, a unique feature of this lure is the use of a painted finish on the convex side of the lure, while a the concave side receives a mirror-like chrome plating which gives off a great deal of flash and appeal.

Strike Pro Bob n Spoon
Some colours come with a gold back.
Strike Pro Bob n Spoon
While others have a silver/chrome finish.

 Strike Pro Bob n Spoon

The Bob N Spoon comes standard with Owner hardware.


The Bob N Spoon holds up well to the rigors of every day fishing,  the only time we managed to chip the paint work was when a miss guided cast sent the lure straight into the side of the boat which is more a reflection of poor angling than lure construction. Even with the exposed paint edges it took considerable force and determination to chip off more of the paintwork which goes to show these lures should hold up well.

Strike Pro Bob n Spoon

 A miss guided cast was the cause of this unintentional damage


At $12.95 the Bob N Spoon is not an expensive lure when compared to many hard bodies which can cost twice as much and offers great value for money.


The Bob N Spoon will suit anglers of all skill levels. Those looking for an easy lure for kids to use will find its excellent casting and ease of retrieve make it ideal for beginners. While those looking for a quick and effective search bait will find the Bob N Spoon fits a unique niche in an anglers tacklebox.

Strike Pro Bob n Spoon trout


 – Excellent Castabilty   – Can cause line twists if retrieved quickly
 – Versatility   – Slow sink rate (for jigging/bobbing applications)
 – Unique Design
 – Quality hardware as standard


Strike Pro Bob N Spoons are distributed by Juro Oz Pro Tackle can be purchased through most good tackle stores. A list of stockists can be found here.

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Published on: August 2, 2015

Filled Under: REVIEWS

Views: 8320

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One Response to REVIEW: Strike Pro Bob N Spoon

  1.' Dean says:

    great review mate

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